Our Mission: We help school districts meet the holistic needs of students in a more timely, integrated, and impactful way, ensuring every student is supported, stays in school, and graduates with purpose.
North Star: Avert tragedies and cut chronic absenteeism by 50% in the communities we serve by 2035.
Our students are not well. More than 30% are chronically absent, as mental health struggles increase and basic needs remain unmet.
Schools invest in various programs to address students' personal needs that may keep them from attending school, but they often lack the infrastructure needed to connect these resources effectively.
Without efficient workflow system, supports teams struggle to stay organized and connected, resulting in many students falling through the cracks.
60% of administrative busy work is eliminated, allowing more time in front of students.
School districts know what services are available and which students are utilizing those services, enabling schools to laser focus on chronic absenteeism.
A streamlined referral system helps identify students who need support more quickly. This helps schools to avert tragedies and save lives, ensuring a safe environment for everyone.
Student supports staff, such as counselors and nurses, can document their work individually and collaborate when needed to reduce duplication of work.
Student data is private and never sold. This is ProUnitas’ highest priority. View our Privacy Policy.
Staff can make better strategic decisions and ensure continuity of support for the student. If a counselor or support staff member leaves the school, the replacement can easily know what student needs what support.
Be a part of our campaign for the 2024-2025 school year and we need YOUR help in adopting 600 schools! Please consider making a donation on our Adopt A School page. Each adoption ensures that hundreds of students are able to reach their fullest potential.
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